Thursday, September 26, 2013

California Pt 2

Jeff's parents work 3 days a week at the family history library at the Los Angeles Temple. So we decided to go down one day and say hi and show Jane around. Can I just tell you how much I love her face in this first picture. 

They have a bunch of interactive features at the visitors center. Stuff for kids to do. Jane really liked it.

Needless to say Jane was wiped out each day. We would find her in funny positions on the bed. She did fall off the bed one night and so I think that she was paranoid about falling off.

On recommendation from Jeff's sister, we went to aquarium of the pacific in Long Beach.  They had some of the craziest fish. It was pretty cool.

We also got to touch some fish. There were some sharks and manta rays in this pool and you could reach him and feel them. We also touched some jelly fish and anenames (not sure how to spell that).

Grant was obviously having a good time too.

Of course, they put all of these fish in one tank together. Jane kept talking about seeing the nemo fish. "look there's Dory"

We also went on a harbor cruise as part of the aquarium tour. Jane wasn't too sure how she felt about it but we saw some interesting things.

Everyone was tuckered out after the aquarium. We took a minute to rest before we went to dinner.

We left the next morning. It was a really good trip. I am so glad that we were able to go. Jeff's parents are the best hosts and Jane just loved being there and having time with them to play. Plus, Jeff's mom let us go on a date of sorts one day while she watched Jane. Thanks it great.

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