Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Las Vegas

I went to Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago to watch my sister in laws kids while they went on vacation. I was there for 10 days and it was a good time. The kids were great and we had a lot of fun. Jeff came over the weekend which was really nice. Here are some of the things we did.

We went to check out the new bridge over the Hoover Dam. You can walk over it which was fun. Jeff was a little freaking out because we were really high up and it was super windy. I almost wish we still lived in Flagstaff and could utilize the bridge. It would have seriously saved over 30 min on our drives to Vegas. 

The kids like playing with Jane, mostly. Kendall wasn't always a fan but Jane did like to follow her around. The boys would always try to play with her even if she wasn't having it.

It was really nice while we were there and so we spent a lot of time in back yard. Jane loved to sit under that tree. She also really liked the chairs and sitting there drinking some green drink.
Other highlights were being able to spend our gift certificates at H&M and get quite a lot of clothes. As you can see Jane was into the shopping and carrying her own bag. It was pretty sweet to cruise around in the mini van but there was a time when I couldn't get the doors open in while picking up carpool. It was a little embarrassing even though they were kids. I also got to see one of my mission companions who is living in Vegas right now. That was really fun to catch up.
Well I am not sure how many kids we will actually have but it was interesting to see kind of what life would be like with more kids. It does tend to be pretty busy. I am glad that I was able to go there and hang out with the kids. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Ride, Ride, Ride

It was really nice weather this weekend and so we took advantage of it with some different rides. Firstly, our bikes. We took a family bike ride.

We also pulled the cover off the scoot and took her for a ride around the block. Oh how I love my scooter. She is so pretty. oh and Jeff looks pretty good as well ;)

I am really excited for warmer weather and the ability to ride, especially my bike. It is really hard pulling Jane but she did really good and seemed to like being in the trailer. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Funny Girl

In honor of Jane's half birthday today (18 months), I decided to post some funny videos here for you to see her cuteness. She just started doing this yesterday. I told Jeff that all of those hours of reading animal books has finally paid off.

The next one is kind of funny because I think that she thinks that she is singing or something. She only does this when we are in the car and there is music on.

Ok so here is one funny picture too. She now loves to wear her towel around on her head for a long time after she baths even after she is dressed. Then she got one of my head bands to put around her head too.

Ok two pics, really. She loves to have stuff around her neck and head. The last picture she found Jeff's headphone and wore them around her next for a long time. She has put my hoodie on her head and walked around. She also had a jump rope around her next the other day. Weird but funny.