Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Here are some of the things that we have been doing lately.

My brother came to visit us at the end of April. We went downtown and walked around. Here is Jane on the bus ride.

Outside of the museum.

Some freaky drum guys at the food truck rally.

Don't ask me what the peace signs are all about. But he is lookin hot in Jane's glasses.

Lots of loving and cuddling with Grant. Sometimes a little too much with Jane but she is learning.

We decided to get some chickens. They were really cute (mostly still are) but they are seriously stinking up our basement. I can't wait till we can get them outside.

Grant has started to 'talk' and smile a lot. It is so dang cute (see video below)

Nana and Grandaddy came to visit for Grant's blessing. Jane loved having them here. We didn't do much but hang out but it is always good to have them.

I totally spaced off getting Grant a blessing outfit until a day before and looked and didn't find anything. So he was blessed in this. I didn't really care that much :)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Jane and Grant

I don't know how excited Jane initially was for Grant to come. I am sure it is hard for the 1st child and they get all the attention. She has been doing pretty good with him though. She is mostly soft with him but loves to be up in his face (the 2nd pic is evidence of that). She doesn't really want to hold him a lot but loves to lay next to him and wants to cuddle with him. She will often bring her books in and read to him or show him her toys and tell him what she is doing (the video at the end is her reading). It is pretty cute. She is having a hard time dealing with the change though. She is much more whiney and she cries a lot more. I am sure that will change as she gets more used to him and works out all those emotions. Also when he get older and can interact with her more, she will love it.