Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The last while

So only after being home from California for a couple of weeks, we were off to Utah again. As some may know, my friend Misty and I decided to do a triathlon. The training was hard and took a lot of time but got easier pretty quickly. I was surprised. So I was little nervous but mostly because I wasn't too sure of the logistics of it. The day before we stopped at Aunty Fun's house for a while. We finally got Jane on the horse. She really loved it. Also Jane can make a dress up out of just about anything. Get ready for lots of photos. 

I was so happy that I decided to do my first one with Misty. She has done a couple already and gave me some good advice. She walked me through some of the things that I was nervous about. The water was cold but not horrible and it warmed up pretty quickly outside so the rest was nice. Overall I did better than I had hoped I would. Lots of people ask me if I would do it again. I really think I will but maybe wait till the kids are a little older and the training wouldn't be so hard in that way. 

Here are random pics of the kids for the past little bit. I just thought this first one was hilarious. Jane has really got to love playing with Grant. She always tells me that I shouldn't put him down for a nap because she says she 'needs to play with him'. I really love it.

We took a quick trip to Utah, again, in October for a funeral. It was really last minute and quick so I decided to to just take Grant. Jane got a lot of dad time that weekend. I surprisingly got to see a lot of family so it was nice. I also got to see Misty again. Max and Grant were playing so well together until Grant tried to chew Max's head.