Monday, October 22, 2012

Here we are again

It been oh so very long since I posted on here. I considered doing a big post catching up on all our activities and such over the summer. It would be really long and most people would consider it boring. We did have a great summer, though. With family reunions, lots of family staying with us, weddings in Utah and other miscellaneous events. We really did see a lot of family and friends this summer and it was really great.
One thing that happened, that I will post pics of, is Jane turned 2. It was a pretty low key event although my mom came into town.

I made a gluten free carrot cake for her. It was super delicious. I did put cream cheese frosting on it though (I mean how can you not). Jane did freak out when we lit her candles and so it took a minute to calm her down before she would eat. It was sad. We just love her so much and she is talking a lot now. For some reasons she feels the need to narrate her activities throughout the day. Which is pretty funny and amazing how many words she knows that I didn't realize she knew. She is still singing a lot these days and loves music a lot.

In other news, we were in Utah this weekend (sorry those who we didn't see, it was a quick trip for a funeral) and my cousin saw me and said she didn't know I was pregnant. So here it is. I am pregnant. For those who didn't know. We are pretty excited. I am almost 20 weeks and finally started feeling better a couple of weeks ago (one of the reasons I have been absent from this blog). I am due mid march. We will find out the babies sex in a couple of weeks.

Besides that it is just business as usual here. I will now keep up on posting on here. I will just post on funny video on here. Jane is all about playing songs on the piano. Her friend thought it was really funny.


  1. That's some pretty awesome piano playing. It's even more awesome that Jane is such a hit with her friend.

  2. A huge CONGRATS on the baby! We are due the beginning of February. Once again our little ones will be soo close in age. Too bad we don't live close to one another! Best of luck with the pregnancy.
