Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hi everybody. I started off with this image because I wanted to let everyone know that as of April 1st, Kim and I will be shipping off to Calgary for 6 months in an effort to help out some oil and gas folks with water treatment. This image is in Banff, which is just outside of Calgary, and because it is so beautiful, you should all make sure you come and visit us while we are up here. My company really needs me up there, I guess, because they are offering to cover our rent at a furnished apartment, a monthly rental car, a per diem to cover the supposed higher cost of living. It'll be a really good opportunity for my career and probably less convenient for Kim, but Kim is looking forward to it also. Incidentally, my resume is on a project proposal in the Netherlands. I hope that yields a trip to Europe :) And just a few weeks ago, I was worried about being forced into part time due to low billability.

So I don't know when it began, or how it evolved to what it is today, but Kim makes up songs all of the time for Jane. Usually the lyrics are relatively the same theme and they usually end up with the phrase "my cutie little sweety baby girl." There are many variations of this song, and sometimes they are about diapers being really wet, or about changing diapers or nursing. The sad thing is how infectious some of these melodies are and how terribly bad they are at the same time. It reminds me of that "Total Eclipse of the Heart" song which I hate, but now as I typed it, I am hearing, "Turn around bright eyes" over and over in my head and I can't seem to shake it. Not only that, but I find myself singing similar songs for Jane, also. Most of the time my lyrics revolve around the phrase "My little baby girl." Sometimes the phrase "Baby girl" turns into something that sounds more like, "Bubba guh" like I have a speech impediment or something. It's amazing what we will do to get babies to smile, but how could you resist?
Not much else going on this week except Kim's Mom is visiting us and being extremely helpful around the house. Both Kim and I feel lucky that we don't have the stereotypical "mother-in-law." Our MIL's are great!

That is all this week.


Jeff and Kim


  1. Danny used to(ahem, still does) make up songs about our girls. His favorite was "Daddy's little princess, little princess Alyssa, Daddy's little princess, little princess girl." He sang it all the time for Alyssa. It didn't work as well for Ashely, but I'm sure he made up a new version for her. I'm not much of a song writer, although I have been guilty of doing just about anything to get those baby girls to laugh. Congrats again on the move. I'm a little jealous that you know your plans sooner than we do, but excited for you also. Good luck with all of the preparations, and with the move.

  2. Wow, Canada, cool!! At least April - September will afford you the summer months!
