Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Did Steve tell you that?.......Steve

I think that only Christy and Dan might get that title of this blog but I thought I would do it anyway. It is apropos though as Steve Brown (Jeff's best friend) was here visiting last weekend. He did tell me some stories about the Miners. Oh good stuff. Well Steve's wife bought him a plane ticket out here for Christmas to go skiing with Jeff. He flew in late Friday night and then they left really early Saturday to go skiing. There are no pictures of that because Jeff hasn't gotten the whole taking pictures thing yet. It is still my responsibility so unless I am there we have no documentation :) They had a really good time but came home really tired. Besides the skiing we mostly just hung out, talked and watched movies. Steve and Jeff did stay up pretty late most night chatting like a couple of girls. Jeff took monday off and so we went out to breakfast.
 This is the only picture of them together this weekend.

 This is what Jeff got to eat. Scary. Luckily he didn't finish it.

 This is what I got. Not to brag or anything but I wouldn't die from eating this :)

Many of you haven't seen Steve in a while and he has lost some weight and expanded his wardrobe. He wanted to look really good when we went to the movies. We saw the movie Unknown. It was pretty alright.
Besides the visit from Steve we just had a sick Jane. She was coughing still but has gotten over it now. Just when she was getting better, I was at my friends house and was hold Jane and tripped. She slammed her head into the hard wood floor. It was really sad. Luckily my knee and elbow broke the fall so it wasn't from really high.
I guess most every mom has to have this experience at least once. The swelling went down quickly and was almost gone by the night time. It is just a little red still now. It is a good thing that babies are so resilient.  I felt so horrible though. Well here is the Jane picture of the week.

As we saw before, Jane can put here whole hand in her mouth. Apparently she can do that with her feet too. She is very talented.
We are enjoying a little bit of nice weather here. It is funny how if it is over 50 degrees then it is nice and we can go out without a coat. I never thought I would be one of those people but I guess I am. Some lady at church said that other day that after March 1 then all is good weather wise here in Colorado. So we have that to look forward to.
Oh and the title of the post is from a Flight of the Concords songs. In case you were wondering.

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