Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day

So Valentines day this year was a lot of fun. They only one who missed out was Jane cause she can't eat candy or steak. Poor Jane. Anyways, here is a picture of the delicious food I made for Kim (with her limited assistance - she just can't stay out of the kitchen)

It was pretty much delicious. The meal is garlic and rosemary potatoes (one of my specialties), flank steak with chimichurri sauce (made of parsley, cilantro, rosemary, garlic, olive oil, and lime juice). The broccoli was just steamed broccoli with pepper. My other valentines gift for Kim was cleaning the master bathroom. For some reason, cleaning stuff is a big hit with Kim.

However, Kim once again outdid me with the gifts this year. Her's took me back to my college days and made me feel like she had a crush on me and wanted to take me to MORP.

Unfortunately, Jane and Kim are both sick with a cold, I think. Jane will have these coughing fits where she coughs and coughs for like 5 minutes straight. We think she is coughing up stuff and then just inhaling it back down. She doesn't know what to do with it. She hasn't had a fever or anything so we haven't worried too much about it. But we both get worried when she coughs for so long and I start asking Kim "how long before we take her to the doctor? If I go by my mom's standards, she needs to cough up some blood before we take her to the doctor (love you, Mom :) ). Jane still acts happy and smiles a lot. She especially smiles a lot when I get home, which, of course, I love.

Denver has really warmed up this week, which is unfortunate because Steve Brown is coming to town to go skiing. I think the snow will be slushy at this temperature. Which is a welcome change from the below zero weather we had the week prior. Kim actually took Jane out in that weather, but she was dressed very warm.

That is all for this week. Love,

Jeff and Kim


  1. My favorite part is that Kim signed the poster "Mrs Nugget"

  2. I was just going to comment about that. Good job on that meal!

  3. Hmmm. Next year we're hiring you as our personal Valentine's chef, Jeff.

  4. This reminds me of the poster that Josh Clarke made me in high school...with all the candy bars and such. Cute "Mrs. Nugget", real cute! ;)
