Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Accident

So here is the story. On Tuesday morning I get a call from Jeff on my phone like 30 minutes after he left for work. He said he was in the emergency room because he was in a bike accident. I hurried and dressed and rushed down there. Luckily, my sister was in town to watch Jane (thanks Rach). I thought that since Jeff had called me that this was a good sign that nothing too horrible had happened. When I got there this is how he looked. (some of you saw this already on facebook)

His hands are pretty beat up too but no photos of those. So here is what he says happened. He had taken his bike to work so that he could bike home. He drove to the light rail station and wanted to hurry to catch the train so he hopped on his bike. This part is a little fuzzy but he thinks that his backpack (which was only on one arm, how many times so I have to tell you) slipped off and hit the handle bars. This caused him to lose control and face plant. Then he was a little confused but managed to drive himself to the closest hospital. So no broken bones but a slight concussion. He got three stitches. Here is what he looks like cleaned up but still at the hospital.

It does look better than before. All the dried blood made it look so bad. But it seemed to only look worse after time. Here is a pic that he took later in the day.

It is kind of far away but his eye was swollen shut for about a day. He still has a marble bump underneath the stitch on his eye lid. That must have been the point of impact. He ended up staying home from work for 2 days. He is doing well now and not really having any pain.
There are two lessons to be learned here: is that no matter how short your bike trip is wear your helmet and wear your backpack on both shoulders. Yes, he wasn't wearing his. It could have prevented some of this but not all. That is the exciting story for the week.

On another note. You all know how Jeff and I love music so much. Well I decided that with some or most of the posts that I would post a song that I love/loved. So here it is for today.

Ivy and Gold by Bombay Bicycle Club. This is an acoustic version but it is almost as good as the album version. I really do love this album (Flaws). There you have it :)

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