Saturday, May 19, 2012


Preston and Annettte visited us last week. It was so fun to finally get to meet their daughter Ruby. Jane was happy about it too, well at least for a while. No, they did mostly get along except when Jane was pushing Ruby down (Ruby is just learning to walk). We did have some fun times together though. Ruby took her first shared bath. She had a good time.

Another fun thing that we did was go to a park that has water spray things. What do they call that? We were joined by my friend Camille and her son Jacob. A good time was had by all.

Here is Ruby trying to mimic Preston's facial expression.

Jacob is such a cutie. He is definetly Jane's BFF.

Jane just kept sitting where the water was pooling and would splash and say 'bath'.

Here is Ruby going to town on Jacobs sippy cup. The reason this is significant is that we found out later that day that Jacob had Hand, Foot and Mouth. Jane and Ruby both drank out of that cup. Both of them got fevers but never broke out in a rash or bumps. Thank goodness.
Jane mostly stayed away from the spraying water but eventually did go in them. Here is the sequence of events (after she scored Jacobs hat)

There was a tall flower thing that sprayed water.

While they were under there Jane was at the water barrier looking at them envyingly.

 Besides that potential illness, we are so glad that they came to visit. We also went to eat at Chix fil a (of course because it is Preston and Annettes favorite place and the don't have them in Michigan), Annette helped me plant my front flower bed, and Preston and I went on a bike ride. Then they were off to go visit Annette's brother and the new baby.

1 comment:

  1. #1 - I NEED those bath pictures! Holy freaking cow. Love it!

    #2 - It was called a "spray"ground.

    #3 - Are any of the flowers I planted still alive? You know I don't have any BYU grounds crew skills.

    Thanks for having us kim!! We had a blast.
