Monday, August 8, 2011

lightning and popcorn

A couple of weeks ago there was a thunderstorm in Calgary. We stood outside and watched as it hailed.

About an hour or so later we started smelling smoke. I looked out onto the golf course and there was quite a bit of smoke out there. Jeff went out to investigate. He came back and said one of the buildings was on fire. Our fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate. This is what it looked like. 

We left the apartment for a couple of hours. When we came back the flame were gone but they were still spraying water on the fire. A cop said that there was a natural gas problem that they were still trying to extinguish. After being home for a while the power went out and we were told we had to leave again. We packed up some stuff (unsure when we could get back in) and went to a hotel.  Oh I forgot to mention that it was lightning that started the fire. Crazy.

There used to be a roof there. The firemen were still spraying water on it when this pictures were taken. This is about 4 hrs after the video was taken. Luckily we got back into the apartment the next day.

On a lighter note. Jane love, love, loves to be sung to. If she is upset and you start singing, she will usually calm down. One of her favorites is the popcorn song. I noticed something the other day when I was singing it to her. For those of you who know the actions to this song, you can appreciate this. 


  1. Super scary that lightning struck the building and super scary it was so close!! Glad y'all are alright! Jane's super cute in the video!

  2. Can't get enough of her. She is very tasty eye candy!!
    Oh, and sorry about the fire. The baby totally stole the post!!!

  3. Yikes. So glad the fire didn't spread. Jane just gets cuter by the day, doesn't she?

  4. What the what! I can't believe the building caught fire. crazy.

    As the primary chorister in our ward I am very pleased to see you starting her out young. What a smartie!
