Friday, August 19, 2011

The Provincial Bird

There is a joke here that the mosquitos are actually the provincial bird because they are so many and so big. We decided to experience them first hand by going camping in Banff. We put on our mosquito spray and hoped for the best. We hoped for this campsite near a lake but it was all full by the time we got there. The site we go was nice as well but had a lousy excuse for a fire pit. We made it work though. Jane loved sitting in the dirt and playing with the rocks and pine needles.

Our tin foil dinners. They were hard to cook in the little fire pit but they came out alright.

Jane had her food to and got it all over.

Did anyone notice how awesome Jane's outfit is? Yeah I just put on a sweater over her pjs in the morning. Who cares what we look like while we are camping, right? After breakfast, we packed up our site and took a long time to decide if we wanted to see more of Banff (we have already seen most of the park that is close). We chose to go on a hike to a water fall. It was an easy hike, which was good since we were both tired. 

Our first experience camping as a family and overall it was a success. None of us slept that great but we don't sleep that great at home either :) Oh and we did pretty well about not getting too many mosquito bites. Jane had one on her head and I had some on my feet. Jeff came out unscathed. Luckily, they mostly going away as the summer is winding down.


  1. The mosquitos here are absolutely ridiculous! I'm so glad that you exited your adventure mostly unscathed.

  2. Camping is in Jane's blood. How could you doubt that? Love the picture of her in the dirt with the stick.

  3. Could almost smell the campfire! Cute shot of you and Jane with your toques on in front of the tent.
