Saturday, September 24, 2011

Nana's Visit

I realized that I hadn't posted anything about my mom coming to visit with us. It was so nice of her to take some time off of work and make the trek up here. Luckily, she was able to get on all the flights with no issues. The first day she was here we went to the farmers market with my friend. They have a little play place and Jane had a blast in it.

Jane was not afraid to get in there and play with all of the other kids. She would have stayed in there all day if I would have let her. It was kind of gross though and she got so dirty.

We also went to Banff with my mom. We have been there a few times with different people but it still amazes me how pretty it always is.

It was really great to have my mom here for Jane's birthday. I have already posted all the pics from that. We had a good time. Of course me and my mom got a puzzle and spent a bunch of time doing that. We also ate a lot of delicious food. Jane loves spending time with her Nana and we do too. Thanks for coming mom.

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