Monday, June 4, 2012

The Folks

My parents came into town a week or so ago. They came to see my brother and his family before they move to Chile for 6 months. Oh, I guess they came to see us too. My sister in law's family lives in Colorado Springs. So they are living there until they move in a couple of weeks. We ended up going down to Colorado Springs for a day to see them. We got to see the air show for the Air Force graduation, Garden of the Gods, get some good food and catch up. Jane met more cousins who she has never met before. She was in love with Brielle, the older of my brothers girls. Jane followed her around and wanted to hold her hand constantly. It was cute and Brielle was very patient with her.

The next day they came to Denver and stayed two nights with us. It was so much fun to have them here. One of the things we did was go to Little Man to get ice cream, of course.

Those are the only pics we have of them while in Denver, sadly. We hope to be able to see them again before they head off to Chile. 

1 comment:

  1. Kim! We've visited you twice now and we still haven't had Little Man's! Which is lame considering ice cream is my favorite food group. I guess we'll just HAVE to visit again :)
